Dr Kong  Yen My Dentist Blackwood Blackwood

Dr Kong Yen

BScDent (Hons) ,BDS (Adel), FRACDS, General Dentist

Dr Kong Yen is a male General Dentist.

BDS FRACDS BSCDENT HONS) Dr. Kong Yen Dr Kong Yen grew up in Adelaide and graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery in 2002 (University of Adelaide). Over a career spanning almost 30 years, he has gained extensive experience working in private practices across London, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. Kong is an experienced dentist with a gentle and caring manner. Kong values great communication. He really takes the time needed to listen to his patient’s dental issues, making sure patients can make well-informed oral health decisions. Kong has special interests in prosthodontics and orthodontics and is a Member of the Prosthodontic Society of SA. He is a 4th and 5th Clinical Tutor at the Adelaide University Dental School.