Dr Dale A Lymn Curtin Dental Care Curtin

Dr Dale A Lymn

BDS (Adel), General Dentist

Dr Dale A Lymn is a male General Dentist.

Dale Lymn is married with two children. Born in Adelaide in 1958 and educated at PAC, he graduated from University of Adelaide with a BDS in 1979. He then moved to Launceston TAS and practiced there for 3 years before moving to country QLD. Initially he worked with the hospital and then set up his own practice, which he built up to a three-man practice over a period of 12 years. Dale then joined Rotary and was president of his club in 1990-91.

When his son was born they made a family decision to move to a bigger city centre and after several years he decided to settle in Canberra. He chose a practice which was very similar in design and philosophy to his own practice. As a past president of the ACT Australian Dental Association (ADA) he enjoyed the organisational challenge, balanced with the dedication that is required to provide excellent dental care.