Dr Chris Warren Bayside Dental Burraneer

Dr Chris Warren

BDS (Syd), General Dentist

Dr Chris Warren is a male General Dentist.

Dr Chris obtained his Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Sydney in 2004. He has worked in private practices in Wollongong, Camden and the Shire since graduation.

Chris has had a role as Clinical Associate Lecturer at the University of Sydney, tutoring dental students in both restorative and paediatric dentistry. Chris’ interests are in restorative dentistry, endodontics, implant surgery and dentistry for children and those with special needs. Chris’ calm and caring nature has led to him converting many a self-confessed “dental phobic” patient into a happy, regular attender!

Chris has been a regular dental volunteer at the Angkor Hospital for Children in Siem Reap, Cambodia. He has also enjoyed his involvement as a dental volunteer with both the Australian Red Cross and Special Olympics International, having been to several events with the Special Smiles program. Chris served as a volunteer in the Theresa Park Rural Fire Service for many years, and most recently, as a guide runner for Achilles Australia.